
Posts Tagged ‘Little Sky Socks’

One of the Ann-trelac socks is done! Well, I still need to graft the toe. The second sock is well underway.

DSCN1003 As my husband is probably tired of hearing, entrelac is quite fun. First, you make a little block. The little block takes all of about 2 minutes. How satisfying, to finish something in 2 minutes! So then, you make another little block… and another… and another… and pretty soon it’s time for supper, and nothing is thawed out, and I have no idea why the program that is on the television is on, except that I was watching something else on that channel an hour or two ago, but I have rows and rows of nice little blocks, so it’s all OK, right?

The yarn – Schaffer Ann – is quite comfy, and I made the sock a little large, so it is quite snuggly and roomy. I’ve held off on grafting the toe, just to be sure that I’ll have enough yarn for the second sock. I’m fairly sure that I do, but just in case I don’t, it will be easy to rip back and rework the foot portion of the first sock just a tad smaller if I haven’t done the grafting yet.

More on the sock front: I finally got around to buying New Pathways for Sock Knitters. What a fun little book. I spent a large part of yesterday working up the first demonstration sock. Actually, I made a pair, and I have enough yarn left DSCN1008 over to make a matching hat. I’m thinking that I’ll embroider some little flowers or something on them, and then the next time anyone has a baby girl, I’ll have something ready!

The book is gives some very specific, non-standard instructions for some rather standard techniques, so the first demonstration sock was a bit of a pain in the tail end to work. However, the results were totally worth it. Check out the short rows on this heel:


I stayed up until midnight reading the rest of the book. I’m still working on Venezia, I swear I am, just not yesterday.

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